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Planet Ill Breakdown: Redman-Tiger Style

By Odeisel

Redman has been one of the premiere emcees of his generation, with classic solo material and strong group and guest star work that would make even the greatest rappers ever take note. It’s been a long career of Reggie and even though his last album was released with little fanfare, he has still been able to release bursts of brilliance that give his fans hope that he still has one album left in him that can swing for the fences. His latest track, “Tiger Style,” is one such burst.

The production is high –powered and fast-paced, giving Redman the kind of track that takes full advantage of his ferocious style and doesn’t allow for him to lay back and sleep walk. The drums are hard and there is a digital bongo undertone with short guitar bursts and high hats. Not quite face frowning but hard enough to put some adrenaline in your veins when played at high volume.

Redman weaves punch lines in such a way that even the lines themselves are interconnected, even aside from the rhyme scheme. Peep the following couplet.

“I carry two cannons, no time to pull out I bust through the side of my jeans like Bruce Banner

My dogs do it on camera and to them I’m Big Brother Al-Migh-Tee from Gamma Phi Gamma”

Bruce Banner, the incredible Hulk is known for having the holes in each leg of his pants, and his powers were spawned from exposure to gamma rays, and entendre to the frat reference from Spike Lee’s School Daze.

His gift for blending pop culture references with hood usage is still razor sharp and his sense of both humor and menace remain perfectly balanced. He never ventures far enough to call him a clown, but he goes juuust far enough to be hood but not a thug. What you can call him is still one of the sharpest rappers still in effect, even though there isn’t much deep content involved with what he puts out.  For the money he’s still full of charisma and wit; able to crush any high bpm construction in a single rap.

Redman-“Tiger Style”

Redman – Tigerstyle

*Shout to Nahright

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