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Bullet Points: Bigots Ain’t The Only Ones Popping Off

By Juste J

“I only shot a nigger.”  These words were spoken by one Walton Henry Butler of Port Saint Joe, Florida, when he was arrested by police for shooting Everett Gant in the head.  Everett Gant went to talk to this racist piece of shit because Butler had called a child a nigger.  Butler shot him in the head for confronting him.  He then ate dinner while Everett Gant lay bleeding outside his door.  He. Ate. Dinner.  Yeah.  The thing is, while I’m enraged by this act of violence, I think that had Walton Henry Butler  been a Negroe, this would not have been news; it wouldn’t have mattered to us, just another nigger shooting another nigger.

When Negroes kill other Negreos, hardly an eyebrow is raised unless the circumstances of the crime are so horrific that it must be addressed.  If the crime involves the death of a child, like Lloyd Morgan, or if the level of killing is deemed to be getting out of control, like what is happening in 2012 Chicago, people at least act like they give a damn.  As a community, we have adopted a laissez-faire attitude towards the violence that overruns our neighborhoods, b. 

We don’t care about the shit that happens on our blocks unless it intimately affects us.  It is easier for us as a people to rally around the idea that we have to get “them” for killing “us.”  But how can we ask others to respect our lives when we ourselves seem to have no regard for Negroe lives?  It is not only the savage coons that need to be taken to task for their actions but we, the people, who have concluded that life, liberty and happiness just doesn’t happen in the hood. We need to be held accountable for our inactivity.  

We have kids in our midst who think nothing of taking your wallet, your purse or your life.  We see them every fucking day as we go to work.  We see them when we come home.  We hear them talk of burying niggas but notice I said “niggas” and not “niggers” so that makes it ok; makes it different.  Right?  We are living with an idea that is dangerous to our growth as a people.  When a racist fuck such as Henry Butler looks at the way we treat each other, man, I know that he says yes, these niggers don’t give a shit about each other so fuck it.  We can’t continue to not give a damn when the gun is held in brown hands and then cry and protest when the trigger is pulled by white fingers.  This way of thinking about our issues is a cop-out to me; I don’t see how this can be given a pass.  I need to see and hear the same level of disdain shown towards Negroe self-hate as I see with white racism.

 It’s open season on Negroe life and it doesn’t matter if you are young or old, the bullets are flying and they’re coming from all angles.  I remember the 80s b. I remember when LA gang violence came to the evening news.  It eventually went away from the cameras but the conditions didn’t change.  The people in hoods across this land of ours didn’t change, man.  The lessons were not learned and the past is indeed being repeated. 

It’s the wild, wild mid-west fam; it’s east, the south, the savage coons just do not give a single fuck about who they kill.  And here we are, the non-criminals, the ones who want a future, watching it all happen.  Waiting for the Walton Henry Butlers of the world to rear their heads and draw our ire.  There was a time that Negroes dealt with the racist and the coons; a time when we would handle more than one piece of shit segment of this society at a time.  Damn, I wish that that history would repeat itself.

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