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Trailer Treat: Captain America-The First Avenger

By Malice Intended

Last night, after months of being teased by behind-the-scenes images, the world got its first real glimpse of Marvel’s famed super soldier in action.  The teaser trailer for Captain America: The First Avenger made its debut during the Super Bowl XLV telecast.  It was one of many trailers that were featured in commercial breaks throughout the game, but it was easily the most anticipated.  Captain America was the only summer blockbuster that had maintained an air of mystery thus far (relatively speaking).  The teaser attempts the balancing act of selling the public on the film without revealing too much.   

As the trailer opens, we are immediately introduced to soldier Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), who isn’t exactly a specimen of strapping manhood.  Though eager to serve his country in WWII, his physical shortcomings prevent him from enlisting in the United States armed forces.  He is, however, a prime candidate for the appropriately dubbed “Project: Rebirth.”  He is administered an experimental serum that renders him super human.  He is then equipped with a nearly impenetrable shield and an iconic uniform before being unleashed upon an extremely dangerous Nazi Agent known as The Red Skull (Hugo Weaving).

There is one very subtle touch on display in the opening moments of the trailer.  Just after Dr. Abraham Erksine (Stanley Tucci) espouses the virtues of “Project: Rebirth” to Steve Rogers, we are shown a brief glimpse of Rogers gaunt and emaciated frame before the serum is administered.  This creepily effective image is achieved through some relatively seamless special effects.  Once the necessary introductions are out of the way, the teaser gets down to business.  Captain America is shown leading the Howling Commandos into glorious combat.  There is also a tantalizingly brief image of the Red Skull unmasking to reveal his true visage.  Nothing of the film’s actual storyline is revealed.

The images of Cap swinging and riding into battle recall similar ones from the Indiana Jones films, which is actually quite encouraging.  The adventurous tone of the first and third films in that series (in which Jones battled Nazis) would actually provide a nice fit for Captain America’s first outing.  Director Joe Johnston seems to know the approach that is needed for this sort of material.  He obviously takes it seriously, but not so serious that he doesn’t allow a sense of fun to inform the proceedings.

This is truly a glorious time for fans of the Marvel Universe.  Characters that had previously been thought too hokey or dated to adapt into films appear to be making smooth transitions to celluloid.  We are now seeing the second phase in the evolution of the superhero film, where these characters are allowed to populate a shared cinematic universe. Such a concept was once the exclusive province of comics and cartoons.  Captain America: The First Avenger is laying the groundwork for something quite extraordinary.

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5 thoughts on “Trailer Treat: Captain America-The First Avenger

  1. Good trailer. Not much was given away. We know the story but don’t want to know the details until the actual film. Hope that the Cap.’ has a purpose for his mask, not just an ornament to his costume. I hope he keeps a secret identity and that the film does not get damaged like the “Iron Man” did when he exposed his identity. Most of the fun is in having a double life. The Red Skull here is much better rendered than in the previous movie, more believable and scary.

  2. Like Superman, Cap is one more superhero who should’ve stayed on the printed page. Marvel are to be admired for their adherance to continuity with the other movies, but a huge bloke in a bright red white and blue costume – in a combat circumstance – just looks daft, regardless of how they make an effort to spin it. Soldiers wear camouflage for a reason y’know.

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