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Lil Kim Turns H.A.M. Into Chitterlings

By Odeisel

We’ve already gone through the rounds with Jay and Ye’s “H.A.M.” While Busta Rhymes tore the track to shreds and redeemed it to a certain extent, we’ve seen a bunch of cats try to outdo the relatively low bar set by the Roc Boys. The latest to add their effort to this Lex Luger mish mosh is Lil Kim, desperately trying to halt the downward spiral of her career. Unfortunately, this effort doesn’t halt it, it precipitates it.

First I’m annoyed that I still gotta hear one of Ye’s more boring verses. Kim’s verse is sandwiched between Ye’s weak opening and Jay-Z’s acceptable closing hoping to hide between what we already know and not adding opener or closer pressure. That trick didn’t work at all. In 2011, coming on 14 years since the death of Christopher Wallace, she’s STILL on that me and B.I.G. shit. Still playing the “What If?” game inside her mind that one day with the changes she made to herself that B.I.G. would have finally chosen her.

There are so many bad elements in this verse. Her voice is autotuned. Welcome to 2008/9. She’s got a down south faux cadence and nothing is more annoying than an East Coast rapper trying to fake a Southern accent. The linear telegraphed rhyme scheme is also a problem and you can almost guess the rhymes based on the previous rhymes even if you never heard the song before. The Kimmy Blanco persona is wack. It failed on her previous diss record and it fails on this. It’s hard to keep charging others with imitation when you’re not even going to be yourself anymore.

I’m not going to be Rocky, watching Apollo Creed get the dog shit beaten out of him holding the towel in his hand. I’m throwing it. Kim it’s time to knock it off and move on. The cliché weak rap lines are adding more credence to the haters that harp on the presence of ghostwriting. You’re a far cry from La Bella Mafia and the other really good albums in your catalog. Perhaps it really is time for you to go H.iatus A.nd M.ean it.

H.A.M.  Remix feat. Lil Kim


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