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Men: The New Women?


By shelz.

You’re having a nice evening out and some drama pops off nearby.  The evening has been quiet, enjoyable, non-eventful and suddenly a bitch fit spoils it. Somebody gets catty. The eyes and necks start rolling. It escalates to high pitched screaming and squealing. You turn to watch the performance and realize… it’s two dudes.


Understand this is not a shot at the transgendered nation.  No sir.   This behavior is not contained to men who wear size 15 stilettos and stuff their bras.  This manner of conduct is infecting the straight as an arrow crew at alarming rates.  It’s become so prevalent that I’m seriously starting to believe that men are the new women.


There was a time not too long ago when gender attributes were set in stone.  Men were the bread winners.  They worked a hard eight providing for their families just to come home and morph into non-communicative, lazy slobs who scratched their balls before they grabbed the remote.  Women took care of the home and the children. Yet they managed to conserve enough energy to become nagging, shallow wenches with perpetually bad attitudes when hubby got home from the job.  That system seemed to have worked just fine for eons.  However, those roles have flipped.  Women are making more money and cleaning less. Men have finally started getting in touch with their feminine sides in horrific ways and to the severe detriment of their masculinity.


I know men have always been sensitive.  Girls learn about that glass ego before they learn about the birds and the bees.  However, men used to keep that character flaw in the closet only to be displayed under severe stress and with the closest of acquaintances. No longer.  Now the bitch fests are on full public display on a regular basis and most of the offenders don’t see a thing wrong with it.  They whine when they don’t get what they want.  They complain incessantly about the least little thing. They get offended at the most minimal affront.

If men want to be girls, they could at least pick some of the more flattering lady qualities to emulate.  Hell, they might as well be wearing some lip gloss and a thong.


I’m really at a loss here. Maybe it’s cathartic.  Maybe the venting makes them feel better.  Maybe those tight ass pants they have been wearing lately are squeezing their brains.  Yes, we know that’s what men think with. Well, until the self-imposed mental castration moves downtown anyway. Or maybe it’s yet another manifestation of the gender flip/flop.  With women becoming more empowered maybe men are pressured to fall back, to take a more feminine approach.  I just wish that approach didn’t include throwing a tantrum when things don’t go their way.


Men need to understand that they have roles to play.  We need them to be strong.  We need them to be tough and we need them to stay out of our closets for Gods sake. Starting today, my dudes need to give those pink baby t’s back to their girlfriends. Then, they need to get some butter and shimmy out of those nut-huggers. After they do that, they need to fix their faces and get their minds right. 


The bottom line is a man acting like his 12 year old daughter is not what’s hot.  A dude poking his bottom lip out is not man approved and any guy who raises the octave level of his voice for any reason outside of having a limb ripped off needs a testosterone drip immediately.  All of that bitchy belligerence needs to stop right now so men can get their stoic, slovenly, no-cooking asses back on the couch and start ignoring us again.  While you’re at it, scratch ‘em one time for me fellas…


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5 thoughts on “Men: The New Women?

  1. I think about this in a simple way and in a complex way. Simply gender roles have switched and men are just more open with their sensitivity. They do not see a reason to control or hide that side of them as women are not some dainty little objects they had to protect. It just makes sense to me. HOWEVER going into the more complex I think its a little bit more deep. I see alot of what is in this article and I do not the switch would have happened this quickly. I think along with the above one of the main reasons men are acting out the way they are is due to being followers. It may sound funny coming from a woman but I do not believe men were meant to be followers. Due to lack of role model, teaching, what have you men have no real self identity. They do not think for self, know of self and because of that the weakness the men of yesteryear hid the men of today do not. Why you may ask? lol Because they are taught not to. If you look at the media men are being taught to be flamboyant, loud, and flashy. Whereas women are still being taught to work, get an education, have it all. I study the media and its actually pretty funny if they are not showing men in a flashy way going after women they are showing them fighting, having bitch fits, getting manis and pedis (hey some men need them lol) getting their eyebrows arched, smooth skin. Really into looks you know, nothing about improving intelligence or moving ahead. Everything about men is dealing with their penises and appearances. They have no model of men, no model of power and they are so weak that they just slide into that role. They mimic how they see men act on tv as their is not that many men to tell them that mess is not what a man is. So half of these dudes want to be drug dealers with 800 women and dress like a so called pimp lol and the other half are metros who yell and scream louder than woman. When was the last time you saw a man on tv especially a black man that is well rounded, grounded and full of focus in the media? I think I have ranted enough. lol

  2. Shelby,

    You’re not quite fly enough to write without an outline. Make an outline, make changes, follow the outline. I bet your work will be much improved.

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