Fusebox covers the weeks events and brings the noise too. Enjoy.
The pair schools these new fangled rappers in their silly excess.
Not excited about this one folks. Touch N You. Bauce and Usher.
Hotel California has seen plenty of different incarnations. I guess everyone else paid up. Henley and Frey are gangsta.
This has been floating around for a second, but I listened and I liked. So now I share. This drops tomorrow if you’re interested in pumping money into the economy.
Serena Williams hit the studio and kicked out a handful of bars.
It’s the remix, baby.
From the Snow White And The Huntsman Soundtrack.
The Lizard is the major villain from the new Amazing Spider-Man movie. See why he is one of Spidey’s deadly foes.
Big K.R.I.T. and The Roots. Enjoy.