By Odeisel
Fuck what Ebro says. Sean Price could never be minor league with such exquisite bars. P stars on his guest appearance. The track is from fellow Brooklynite One Dae, a new jack inspired by the dearly departed MCA to pick up the mic and get busy. The song, Abu Graib (produced by Analogic) is a sample-driven track with a nice mid tempo groove. He’s solid and doesn’t make many mistakes but his flow is very ordinary. Think Termanology without the Puerto Rican drug dealer swagger. His effort is legit. But Sean Price kicks the most enlivened verse he has in a while.
Price steps away from the simple A/B rhyme scheme and adds a few technical acrobatics with internal rhyme scheme and just a new energy and hunger that empowers his already potent bars. His self deprecation is still in effect as always, as is his keen sense of humor as he rhymes:
I don’t do songs with Rass Kass I do songs with wack-assed rappers for fast cash.
Track is good enough to bump a few times, but Mic Tyson steals the show. Abu Graib. Bump it.