What’s up & Happy Holidays Planet Ill Fam!
Earlier in the month, I reread my 2009 column which advocated the independent mentality, embracing technology and artists taking full-fledged control of their musical direction and careers no matter what changes come along. The use of tech along with hitting the streets, has done a world of good for the rap world. Adversely, it created a terrible new breed of egoist that unfortunately reigned supreme in 2010 – The ‘Net MC.
- eThugging a.k.a. tough talk via their social network, comment box, e-mail or other tool of choice to try to intimidate you to cop/listen to/play music/post up from their project otherwise you’re not “real”
- Abusing Twitter by spamming download links to their latest project without sharing or engaging with their potential fan base. Just dumping a shitload of usershare/zshare/hulkshare links repeatedly throughout the day like it’s MTV 2.0.
- Any variation of the following: “My music/video was on display at [fill in your popular music website, blog, e-mail blast, DJ conference call or podcast here], so you should automatically give me love”
- Retweeting EVERY single single positive thing anyone tweets about them. On Facebook, it would be erasing comments that don’t appropriately kiss enough of their ass.
- Getting “Brand New” the second they get a post on a “big time” website, TV show, magazine, etc. (even if it’s only 3-5 sentences or minutes of exposure), which causes a stunning case of forgetfulness of the numerous other media outlets, DJs, PR people, fans, etc. who put that MC on the map in the first place.
- Viewing stardom as a measure of how many video plays, downloads, streams they’ve gotten rather than how good their music or shows are.
- Shouting “I’m getting money” in response to not being felt or facing even the most constructive of criticism.
They top it off with an overbearing MC watch where they tweeting from the mall, they momma house, the barber chair, the toilet and a bunch of places we don’t give a damn about (rarely the studio). They tweeting pictures of their soon to be snatched chain. It’s a movie! It’s history! It’s going to be EPIC! All just because Nuvo is sponsoring their next listening party that features the making of the behind the scenes trailer of the video to their impending mixtape.
To ALL of my Hip-Hop MCs: Men lie, women lie, and the number of Twitter followers does not translate into the number of people that will buy your product or go to your show. Your music should always speak louder than you do. Even if your music is fly, no one will support a corny ass keyboard fool and in the long run, that’s going to hurt your bread. Proper and respectful communication with EVERYONE who helps you with your dream of making a living as a musician – fans, DJs, Marketing/PR People, ALL media outlets, etc. – is key for a music artist to make positive moves in conjunction with some amazing audio.
Let’s stop or at least slow down all of this ‘Net MC nonsense in 2011, eh? The ‘net is like any other tool – it can be used to build or destroy things. Musicians have taken on more responsibility for their careers, so even when things go wrong much of the blame rests on their shoulders.
If you see yourself in this write up: smarten up and fly right – self-vaccinate mentally so you don’t mutate into Sick, The ‘Net MC and get quarantined into the Recycle Bin of the industry .
And now, onto the list biz at hand….
Indiesent Exposure’s 100 Top Indie Hip-Hop Artists Whose Music You Should Have In Your mp3 Player, CD Deck & Or Hard Drive ASAP of 2010 (in alphabetical order; based on mixtape, album & singles releases):
2 Hungry Bros.
9th Prince
Adrian Champion
Angelz Inc.
Apple Juice Kid
Ashy L Bowz
Bad Seed
Black Milk
Boog Brown
Camp Lo
Camu Tao
Celph Titled
Clan Destined
Cymarshall Law
D.C. Don Juan
Damu The Fudgemunk
Daru Jones
Das Racist
David Banner
dead prez
DJ Bless
Donnie Darko
Dysfunkshunal Famlee
Emilo Rojas
Enoch 7th Prophet
Everliven Sound
Fly Gypsy
Freddie Gibbs
Freddie Joachim
Freebass 808
Fresh Daily
Gensu Dean
Hell Razah
Homeboy Sandman
Internal Quest
Jake One
Jay Mills
Joe Budden
Joell Ortiz
John Robinson
Johnny Polygon
Jon Regan
JR & PH7
Kyle Rapps
Mega Ran
Mista FAB
Nikki Lynette
Nucci Rey-o
Pharohe Monch
Phil Ade
Princess of Controversy
Pslam One
Ra The MC
Rasheed Chappell
Reek Da Villian
Reflection Eternal
Rob Swift
Royce Da 5′ 9”
Salkah The Beatchild
Ski Beatz
St. Joe Louis
Tech N9ne
Tha Gekco Brothas
The Beast
The Co-op
The Cornel West Theory
The Five One
The Paxtons
The SecondElement
Theology 3
Trae Tha Truth
Willie the Kid
Wise Intelligent
DJ Fusion’s E-Mail: djfusion@planetill.com (Back Up: fuseboxradio@gmail.com)
DJ Fusion is the creator and co-host/mix DJ of the syndicated FuseBox Radio Broadcast (hit up http://FuseBoxRadio.podomatic.com for the radio show archives or http://www.FuseBoxRadioOnline.com) and the websiteBlackRadioIsBack.com, two areas trying to fight audio B.S. one day at a time…check folks out around either way whenever you can.
Also feel free to touch base with a sis on the Twitter Expressway at http://twitter.com/FuseBoxRadio.
If you dig the music vibe I’m on & want to download some free mixtapes from the FuseBox Radio/BlackRadioIsBack.com collective, hit up the constantly updated Bandcamp page over at http://FuseBoxRadioBroadcast.bandcamp.com.
2 thoughts on “Indiesent Exposure 2010 Year End:The Rise Of The ‘Net MC”