What’s up to all of the Planet Ill crew!
This is where I drop some FREE quality music downloads & info about quality Independent Music artists of different genres who deserve serious credit for keeping things lively & original in the music world.
Indiesent Exposure is set to give your ears some respite from some of the daily audio wackness, boredom and/or iCoonery that bombards the masses through mainstream radio’s definitions of Hip-Hop, Rock, Soul, Funk, Jazz, Rock, Reggae, House, World Music and more.
If you like what you hear & download up in this section, PLEASE support (monetarily and otherwise) these artists as much as you can in the future – hit up their websites, purchase some product, go to their shows, etc.
The new Indiesent Exposure pick for the week is a full length selection that contains some multi-layered Rock Music vibes straight from the Pacific Northwest.
Whenever you have the chance, please let all of the talented Indiesent Exposure artists and the Planet Ill crew know what you think of the music in our comments section!
Let’s get it in – download, sit back, relax & hope you enjoy the grooves:
Check out more of what’s good in the world of Yuni in Taxco with their upcoming music releases, tours and other good things over at their official MySpace page, http://www.myspace.com/YuniInTaxco.
Yuni in Taxco – Yuni in Taxco EP (Download)
1. Sad Sack of Shit
2. King of Borneo
3. Dream Drug *
4. Pains of an Education *
* Personal Favorite Tracks
Yuni in Taxco – Demos (Download)
2. Din Rosera
3. Attitude Adjustment Stations *
4. Don’t Mean to Keep Up
* Personal Favorite Tracks
If y’all REALLY like the music and want to get some of the limited edition hard copies via tape, hit up their overseas DIY netlabel, Cakes and Tapes.
Music Video #1: Yuni In Taxco – Nasty and Mean (Live at the Mural – 2010)
Music Video #2: Yuni In Taxco – Attitude Adjustment Stations (Live – Dec. 2009)
DJ Fusion’s E-Mail: djfusion@planetill.com (Back Up: fuseboxradio@gmail.com)
DJ Fusion is the creator and co-host/mix DJ of the syndicated FuseBox Radio Broadcast (hit up http://FuseBoxRadio.podomatic.com for the radio show archives) and the website BlackRadioIsBack.com, two areas trying to fight audio B.S. one day at a time…check folks out around either way when you can.
Also feel free to touch base with a sis on the Twitter Expressway at http://twitter.com/FuseBoxRadio.
If you dig the music vibe I’m on & want to download some free mixtapes from the FuseBox Radio/BlackRadioIsBack.com collective, hit up the constantly updated Bandcamp page over at http://FuseBoxRadioBroadcast.bandcamp.com.
this shit is good. thanks for sharing!