By Bill Starlin
This morning we had the distinct pleasure of being issued a formal apology by prominent South Carolina Republican Rusty DePass for referring to an escaped gorilla as “one of Michelle’s [Obama’s] ancestors.” I’m sure today you will see many outraged opinions/blogs/articles of the like decrying DePass, and calling for sanction, but that is not how we do things here at Planet Ill.
However, let this be a message to the uninformed. Not just White people. Not just Black people. But to all who mistakenly got the memo that because a Black man was elected President, that it was all good. Racism is alive and well in America.
Race. Again. I can hear the sighs from people in all quarters. It won’t go away. Our country was built on it. It profits from it. The race issue is a part of our social makeup, and it will remain for as long as we dance around it. We need to confront it and only by communication and discussion can we make it something we can manage.
In order for a legitimate discussion to take place there are rules that should be understood and embraced by everyone at the table. For one, feelings are valid. No matter how ignorant the source of those feelings are, they are tangible and they affect how people will take your points and accept your argument. People are instantly defensive when accused and tone can be the difference between a receptive audience and closed eyes and ears.
Secondly, when you discuss race, you have to be able to clearly identify it in its many forms and isolate it from similar differences. Is denying a loan more or less damaging than a burning cross on a lawn? Depends on how we look at it’s lasting effects. A smiling punch to the gut is just as bad as a blind kick in the pants. Either way you can’t live in the house.
In addition, does it look like racism, but is really classism in disguise? Many differences across race evaporate when you compare them across similar financial levels. This in particular is for the number crunchers. For prognosticators who attempt to draw lines connecting race to criminality or any negative correlation, and also for Black people who lack self esteem and readily believe anything negative about themselves, numbers don’t lie but methodology and misdirection do. If you have negative opinions about a group of people based on the appearance of good information, but that information is misguided, whether by intent or neglect, then you have made the wrong call. This is your opportunity to make the right one.
Thirdly, debate and argument are best when they are matter of fact, and not emotional. Sales are emotional, but the goal here is not to sell, but to enlighten. For every Black person harassed or worse by White police, there is someone with a snatched purse or a beating. Our misstep is that we consider these things to be isolated when everything is related. We must begin to draw these connections and address causes and effects.
In the coming weeks, Planet Ill will be taking a real look at race from different angles with intent to inform, and allow people from all sides of this argument to chime in and contribute to this discussion. Our goal is not only to empower and enable us to address the most important issue of American history, and in effect world history.
We are different. There is no reason to gloss over something that is true, but we are also connected at very real level. We want a clean Earth. We want the best for our friends. We want opportunity for our children, and safety for our families. I don’t think that race has any bearing on these desires. We all have the right to exist and make a living to the best of our powers and the will to pursue opportunity. Hopefully a frank and legitimate discussion will enable us to remove at least a layer of separation and obstruction to our collective struggle on Earth.
To participate in this discussion, please send in comments (200 words or less) and videos (no longer than 30 seconds) to BillStarlin@yahoo.com. Planet Ill reserves the right to be selective and we will not post profanity or non constructive comments. Be concise and brief, and there is a good chance that regardless of what side of the debate you land on, that you will be heard and not judged subjectively.
Good Day, And Good Luck,
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Bill Starlin may be reached @ BillStarlin@yahoo.com
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