By Bill Starlin
We’re family, right? Family may have internal issues, at times. In fact, family always has issues. Whether it’s Tony Soprano’s dysfunctional “family” or Judy Winslow going upstairs and not coming down until she’s ready for prime time, family does matter.
While we all have issues within, it’s the basic unit of society. Family protects its own no matter what. You’ve hated your little brother since he was born and your mountain of Christmas goodies got cut in half, yet you’d never let someone else get at him. Even the Prodigal Son was welcomed back home.
This is why I have a huge problem with XXL Magazine’s actions yesterday. Apparently, they were sent a letter from Louis Vuitton yesterday, concerning the subject of their May 2009 cover, Rick Ross. Below is the letter in its entirety according to XXL:
Dear Editor:
We were dismayed to see the cover of the May 2009 issue of XXL Magazine, which features a photo of Rick Ross wearing a pair of sunglasses prominently featuring counterfeit Louis Vuitton trademarks. Because the photo has generated considerable confusion among your readers and Louis Vuitton customers among others, we feel it is important to clarify several points.
The first is that the sunglasses Mr. Ross is wearing were not made by Louis Vuitton, and in fact, are counterfeit. Louis Vuitton did not grant permission to Mr. Ross or to whoever did make the sunglasses to use our trademarks. The second is that no affiliation, sponsorship or association exists between Rick Ross or XXL and Louis Vuitton. The third is that counterfeiting is illegal.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to correct the confusion.
Michael D. Pantalony, Esq.
Louis Vuitton Malletier
William Roberts has been something of an easy target these days. Beef with 50 and Eminem, the whole “Officer Ross” fiasco, and baby mama drama have all combined for the perfect storm of controversy. He wears the scarlet letter F for fraud according to many fans and people around the music.
On surface, it’s very funny. As you can see in the above picture they look like really nice shades, but the letter outs them as not only fakes, but fakes that Louis doesn’t even make. In the present Hip-Hop climate of guys buying Louis women scarves and fronting like they are “rags” apparently that’s a big no-no. At the very least it signifies that Mr. Maybach Rick Ross was too cheap, too broke, or too dumb to know the difference.
Here’s the problem. XXL has a long history of Interscope “association” from the previous administration. He’s presently having issues with their two biggest artists and winning in the eyes of many. In addition, Ross was XXL’s cover story. Why would they seek to embarrass him after they profited from his image? The execution of yesterday’s “exposure” was very suspect. Why disable comments and trackbacks? Did they want to throw Ross under the bus without exacerbating it?
The real point is, Officer Ross or not, Rick Ross is family. If we clown him for lying about his job then so be it. It’s like giving cousin Junebug a noogie after he comes back from the store without something on the list. He’s one of ours. XXL violated by giving some outsider a platform to call him out. What has Louis done for Hip-Hop besides call the cops on Jim Jones and his cronies, give Kanye and Pharell some checks, and make silly people pay way too much money for silk bandannas.

Fake Louis has been a part of Hip-Hop since Dapper Dan was getting money on 125th. Longer than XXL’s existence. Did you think that was real Gucci on all of those sweat suits? Should Eric B & Rakim get statements from Gucci about the Paid In Full Album cover? Didn’t think so.
If Louis Vuitton felt so outraged at getting free publicity on a cover shot, then let them issue a press release and pay a pr person to do it and see if anyone else picks it up. As far as I know, Louis wouldn’t sully their luxury brand by running any ads in XXL (could be wrong) so it’s not even like they would get anything from running that letter. Aren’t there stylists for these shoots? You pay people to dress and shoot and none of them can pick out a knockoff? Where can I sign up?
Maybe they thought it was funny? If so, why stop your readers from having fun with it? Were they afraid to get one of their writers Vladded in retaliation? I don’t know about you but that makes me uncomfortable as a Hip-Hopper.
Rick Ross is family. Rick Ross may have done some things we don’t agree with (yet curiously some truly grand hustlers aren’t under as much fire), but he’s still family. Louis is not. Let’s keep it one hundred and not do other’s dirty work for them.
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Nah Bawse-a-fer portrays the lifestlye of the rich and famous. Rakim didn’t perpertrate he was dressed like a willie…cause he was and ran with willies…And he never was fossy just fresh. At the time that’s the closest we came to that gear. Shit fly shit was Lees ,AJ’s, Cazals …..and niggas got dissed for wearing fake cazals, fake pumas, all that shit.. Hip hop Been screaming on niggas with fake shit …. Back too fake Micheal Jackson jackets….Ross deserves to be under the yellow bus…..if some kid follows his fakeness the hip hop is gone and the matrix has won……Big up XXL call it like you see it / walking my walk thugged out orthopedic!!!!!
The problem with that is that XXL never even threw himunder the bus. they just printed a letter and moved out of the way.
COmplex magazine called him out for wearing a fake MCM jacket. But they actually went in.
As for not flossy, Eric B had more chains than anyone this side of Slick Rick, and Dapper Dan suits were the height of Hip-Hop fashion. The title of the Album is PAID In Full. I don’t agree with you at all. But everyone has an opinion.
Again, this isn’t a defense of wearing fake things, but to not acknowledge that part of our history, especially with a screen name like you have is “off” and incorrect IMO. Everything Dapper Dan Made was fake. But everyone who was anyone had them because gucci and louis weren’t producing ofr us, plus it was too expensive. You’re not ignorant of that if you are really from back then.
Thanks for reading hope you come back. Peace.
P.S. if you’re going to take a stand or mention something like this, THIS is how you do it. Shout to Complexmag
I agree with you. They(XXL) did just put it out there and complex went in on his baby blue joint. And i never felt a way, with him getting the jacket made because of the Dapper Dan Factor
(Everything Dapper Dan Made was fake. But everyone who was anyone had them because gucci and louis weren’t producing ofr us, plus it was too expensive)
There is a response on AHH from Ross or his peoples saying that they were custom made.
I think that “Paid in Full” is something we were striving for at the time. I never heard a drug rap from rakim. I never heard him glorify it. I did see personally, his crew and how they rolled, and the things they were into. He and his crew were in the game in many ways E was down with Polo and they were getting money in the oldest profession in the game. Rakim never talk about that. But its not even justifiable to compare lyrics or thought process of these two artist , so i wont digress.
Puffys jacket in the Lets get it video was fake, i know that as a fact. (I seen the paint come off when the first got the jacket) I know a few stylist and the stay hitting rappers off with knock offs, because rappers be stealing thier borrowed samples. I think its just the fact that Ross portrays this image that is super LUX and FAB. And the boy couldnt go and buy some real louis and hook them up? Jay-Z said something about “icing out a watch you wouldnt recognize it” “those aint rolex diamonds what the f_ck you do with that” its the same thing. When hip hop cats could afford to buy real gucci and louis suits they did. I just saw Soulja boy buying $12,000 worth of LV. Why cant Ross spend some of that Secrect Cocaine Miami Drug Money?
I will stay tuned