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Editorial: Obama Makes His SOTU Case. Should We Listen?

By Liz Belilovskaya

Why was it important to watch Obama’s State of the Union Address? Well, there is the fact that it was more interesting and engaging than 99% of televised programming in the last decade (with the exception of the Dog Whisper). More than that, the speech gave President Obama a chance to lay out his long-term, vision for an America built-to-last.With so much hoopla constantly going on in the media, it is very difficult to actually know what Obama’s policies, decisions and vision for the US are. When critics deconstruct his speeches/reasoning/intentions and report only on certain pieces of that information without proper context, the viewers hear bits and pieces of a bigger point. They’re opinions are being manipulated by impressive and heated but unbalanced, mal-framed arguments.

Now, I don’t know about the rest of you but the more I hear Obama speak, the more I am convinced that he is the most sane, logical, personable and KIND individual to run this country in ages. The man thinks for himself and seems to keep the greater good as his main objective. The guy really does deserve a lot of credit for keeping such noble intentions, while dealing with racist birther shit and subtle language by opposition that is disrespectful at best and at its worst fans the omnipresent racial undercurrent that still divides America. Read it again, RACIST. I was not born in this country; I have no interest in race. While I think it’s about time a Black President could be elected, if his policies were shitty I would not vote for him – but they are NOT, they are great policies.

For me, never matters what color the person running this country is. The only thing I care about is whether the person in charge is level-headed and in touch with my goals, ambitions and freedoms. Obama’s goal is to make America stable and self-reliant. His belief in that WE should be educated, socialized and above all responsible for ourselves.
What’s interesting is many of the same people who would stand to benefit from his long term policies call him a socialist, a Nazi (and bluntly put) a dumb-ass. Let’s take look at some of his “dumb-ass” accomplishments on a timeline:

(2008) Obama took office right about the time 4 million jobs simply disappeared; our nation was left sinking into joblessness, homelessness and deep financial despair.

(2009-2011) Obama  and his administration created 3 million jobs and counting. Think about that! The jobs that you lost are not going to be the exact jobs that you get back but that does not mean they are not out there.2)

(2008) Obama took office with the automobile industry on the verge of a massive collapse.

(2011) The industry got a second chance at life. Currently it is leading the global auto market. The resurrection and expansion of the auto industry means one thing above all others – JOBS for YOU!

(2011) Here is an interesting one for you; last year we relied less on foreign oil than we have in the last 16 years! Yes, oil prices are a bitch but having international threats loom over us for that oil sucks like a middle aged hooker. The threat of attacks from other countries is significantly reduced.

(5/2/2011) Obama announces the death of OSAMA BIN LADEN – the man responsible for 9/11/01 and the two decades of fear that loomed over us before and after that date. We have waited for 20 years to get that son of a bitch.

The influence of America has again strengthened internationally in the last few years. Three years ago most of the world thought Americans and its President were morons they don’t anymore.

(2012) Obama said no to the pipeline. Remember the Oil Spill of 2010, think about Global Warming and the analyze the increase of natural disaster prevalence, and then remember New Orleans. Our solutions to problems should not be current, they should be long term. Unfortunately, the world we are currently positioned to pass on to our children will be significantly more brutal and barren if we don’t chose to act responsibly now. Had our parents done that, life might have been easier for us today.

ObamaCare – most of the effects of this policy will only be apparent after they kick in in 2014. Many young adults have greatly benefited from the reforms Obama already administered, we were allowed to keep health insurance through our parents till 27 years of age. More so, the reforms already in place do not allow someone to be turned away based on a pre-existing condition. If you have that condition, you have been saved by Obama.

His policies of a stable, self-reliant America built-to-last are sound and valid. The names and labels bestowed on Obama are completely, utterly, mind mindbogglingly stupid. Obama is not a socialist, trust me on that one. He is not a Nazi and he is certainly no dumb-assm Look around you; the freedoms that we once had are now constantly being debated. PIPA, SOPA, the women’s right to choose, equal wages, equal opportunity and many, more.( I bet some ladies have been scratching their heads wondering where the local Planned Parenthood has gone).The point is that choices are needed. Obama realizes this and he may be the only politician that does. Just because you believe in something based on your moral or religious convictions, it does not mean the perspectives and opinions of others fall in line with you’re thinking. Choices should exist so that you can make the best one for YOU, that is real Democracy. National policies are NOT personal convictions, otherwise we would have a dictatorship.

How many of these people actually watched Obamas speech? Furthermore, how many read the bills that he either passed or vetoed. My guess, not that many do, but it should be ALL of them. Then their opinions would actually be informed and their own and not based on fragments of the information. Out of context, anyone can be manipulated.

Over the last three years, Obama has faced more harassment than any President before him and he is still trying to collaborate with his biggest critics. Think of your future, both near and distant. Obama is not an idiot. Before we rush to throw him under the bus, let’s at least listen to what he has to say.


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