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Rockets, Cartoons And Gaddafi: Time To Grow Up

By Odeisel

It was a regular routine for kids across the country. After a long day of reading, writing, arithmetic and recess you run home as fast as you can to catch your cartoons. It was simple in the 80’s. Good and evil. On G.I. Joe there were no high level concepts or ideas of moral ambiguity. Red lasers were the good guys blue lasers were Cobra: “a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world.” Sound familiar?30 years later, an a full decade after what was supposed to be the space odyssey, there are no flying cars, but there are pilotless drone that can follow you from thousands of miles in the sky and drop bombs that will wipe you (and any collateral damage) off the map. There are murmurs that wars are being fought with weather (a la Destro’s weather dominator) with conspicuous natural disaster occurring with unnatural frequency in convenient locales.

Long the baby of the first world, the new car smell is gone from America, in a world increasingly offended by our heavy-handed presence, but like Pee Wee and Zilla in House Party, they continue to roll with Stab, because we have the biggest muscles, if no longer the biggest pockets. And so to keep that camaraderie, America has been flexing those muscles a lot lately, under the leadership of the peace prize president, both overtly (as in bullying Jamaica into handing over relative small-fry Dudus) or covertly in “assisting” faux revolutions across the globe, under the guise of fostering the people and encouraging “democracy.”

So while her people consider new ways to hustle and flow to keep from going under in the jungle, Lady Liberty launches hundreds of millions of dollars of rockets in countries we aren’t at war with (read: Libya), “not” interfering in that country’s sovereign right to be screwed up. I liked Gaddafi. His rule was no different than any other dictator. I don’t feel sorry for him; you pay the price if you play the game and he was becoming a caricature of himself anyway, with crazy rumors of trying to get at that brown sugar (Whitney and Dr. Rice). But when countries go haywire (and they always do), they have the right to sort it out for themselves. This dictator should get a bullet in his brain like the last one the people got tired of. That revolution should come from the people, not from another government.

I’m not a child anymore. I know that on the field of man. There’s no such thing as good and evil and even Superman no longer fights for the “American Way.” The world chafes at our presence like we’re Debo holding the chain their grandmomma gave them, smiling and being quiet when we’re around but when we leave, they be talking again. I’m sure there’s oil and money and mineral REALLY involved in these insurrections. Nas said “the buck that bought a bottle coulda struck the lotto.” In this case the the bombs that blow up hovels could pay for tomorrow.

It’s time for us to grow up. Time to leave these countries to their own fate and stop being scared of the bogey man that never comes. At this point we’re more terrorized by terror alerts and terror precautions than terrorists. Nations do what they do and they will continue. But just once it would be nice for someone to say, “That’s my bike (oil) punk!” At least then, when it’s time to pay for our sins (and EVERYONE does) we will at least see the items on the bill. We’re not kids anymore.


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