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Donk Dunking: Cincinnati Puts The Hammer Down On Dubs

By Odeisel

Remember when the first over-sized rims dropped? Hip-Hop had a lot to do with the expansion of rim culture. Shows like Pimp My Ride were picked up and rims were like Jordans; they came in all kinds of colors sizes and finishes. Some of them spin even when the wheels are still and light up at night. The line of demarcation between the big boy rims and small cats was the 20-inch size. Anything lower than that (even if you keep them clean though) wasn’t poppin.

As this recession lingers, municipalities look for easy wins to get revenue for their diminished coffers and so you see a rise in fees and parking tickets. Most of those, if we can be honest are our fault. You know the speed limit, you know you were double parked and even though you were going to be “just a minute” you know you parked by the hydrant. Tough break, dude. What happens when the city gets cute and tried to read existing laws creatively and you find yourself on the wrong end of reading comprehension?

The city of Cincinnati has recently taken to some very interesting reading practices to start snatching the cars of rim riders under the guise that they are riding “unsafe vehicles”. Here’s the original ordinance (Cincinnati Municipal Code 503.29) in its language:

“No person shall drive or move or cause or knowingly permit to be driven or moved on any highway, any vehicle or combination of vehicles which is in such unsafe condition as to endanger any person.”

According to the city impound, cars are coming in at the rate of 4-5 daily, with the fees and the tickets, that’s some steady bread for the city. What exactly about that ordinance speaks to rims? There are trucks these days with factory options for 20-22 inch rims. The rim craze hit mainstream a little over a decade ago. Why is it that these vehicles are suddenly too dangerous to be on the road?

Surely, engineers from the big four car companies, as well as the rim makers themselves, all huge companies, would not open themselves up for lawsuits and recalls from dangerous products.  Now there are vehicles with rims that may be dangerous like “donks” where they height of the rim and the customization of the car may impair vision, but for the most part, rims have nothing to do with a car’s safety.

Obviously the city is looking for ways to boost its revenue streams. Rather than do the right thing and actually audit the municipality and cut the fat, they have empowered the police force to go after its citizens with a gross interpretation of law. Targeting cars with rims is a clear shot at racial profiling or at best cultural discrimination. It’s not much different from putting a tax on specific ethnic foods because they may give you gas, or on poor neighborhood because the police are used there more (let me not give them any more ideas). Next up, the grape Kool-Aid tax of 2015. 

Be warned Hip-Hoppers, whip rollers and even our readers who could give a damn about rims. If you live in Cincinnati, call the ACLU. It may seem like it’s innocuous because it doesn’t affect you. But if they can look at the above ordinance, and make it about dubs, imagine what other taffy pull they can make out of any law concerning something important to you.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out —
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out —
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out —
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.

-Martin Niemöller

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2 thoughts on “Donk Dunking: Cincinnati Puts The Hammer Down On Dubs

  1. Thank all that is holy someone is finally taking eyesore such as the one pictured above off the streets, “Donk” cars are unsafe due to the fact that that’s alot of extra weight added to the vehicle with most if not all of the idiots loving these cars fail to realize, what comes with all this extra weight? Increased stopping distance (which most if not all of these dolts into this craze fail to do is upgrade the brakes…) anyway, increased load on the transmission, axles, driveshaft, engine, differentials, on top of that it also lifts the center of gravity, which increases the cars chances at rolling over. Now with the legitimate safety concerns out of the way let’s get on to why this car pictured fails…

    Color = FAIL, That hue in so many ways reminds me of baby shit…
    Wheels = FAIL, Those must weigh at least 100 lbs a piece, not to mention in poor poor taste for styling…
    Chrome = FAIL Could you put anymore chrome on the car? Seriously there’s a good looking amount of chrome and then there’s this which goes above and beyond the call of duty for tastelessness
    Lambo doors = FAIL, Leave the Lamborghini doors to Lamborghini and even then Lambo doors are being so played out now adays the even Lamborghini is taking them off their cars
    Performance = FAIL I know I know this car is probably for cruising and car shows and that’s it but with all the extra weight this car must do 0-60 in 4 years… That’s horrible when even a Smart car (stock) is faster than you…

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