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Your Life And The Pursuit Of Happiness


By G.I.N.A. (Game Is Not Allowed)

Have you ever noticed we get asked about our well being daily? It’s a common call and response; “Hello, how are you?” “Fine, thank you.” Even with strangers it is part of our daily routine. We usually answer without a second thought, as if it’s pre programmed in our brains. You could have swine flu, tonsilitis, or a broken leg, and the answer would be the same. “Fine, thank you.” Well, I’m going to step away from “tradition” and ask something that won’t generate a prepared, mechanical response. “Are you happy?” Takes some thought doesn’t it.

Remember the childhood song, “If You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands?” As children we were happy, we knew it so we clapped our hands, stomped our feet and showed it. Unfortunately, somewhere between the carefree giddiness of childhood and the shocking reality of the grown up world we go from knowing happiness to just wanting to be happy. As we grow older happiness sometimes gets lost. Funny thing is we don’t realize it, or maybe we do but have few ideas on what to do about it.

I’m sure many of us have felt that dull ache, like something is missing but we’re not sure what. So we “busy” ourselves, cleaning, cooking, carpooling, volunteering, in search of that “thing” that will bring us inner joy. Most times we do anything to take our minds off the dissatisfaction that has become our lives. We breeze through days that have become boring and routine without once realizing we control our happiness.

Who has time to think about themselves anyway? Our lives are dedicated to pleasing others. We cater to our friends, families and employers so much we lose focus on ourselves. Can you clearly pinpoint what would bring you joy? (But I bet you can rattle off your boss’ special coffee order in your sleep).

Abraham Lincoln once said, “Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be”. Sounds easy, just be happy, but is happiness truly attainable in todays’ world? Webster’s Dictionary defines happy as fortunate, lucky , content; not a lot of that going on these days. In the midst of personal and financial turmoil, it can be difficult to fathom how joy can emerge from stress, anxiety, frustration and depression. By the same token, how can life devoid of personal fulfillment be lived fully?

Your happiness is what you make it, everyone has their own musings as to what happiness is; it’s a personal journey. A road each of us travels continuosly as we go through the eb and flow of life. We should make conscious efforts to recapture feelings of contentment so that the weight of the world doesn’t drag us down. There are many sacrifices we will make in life. Our happiness shouldn’t be one of them.

Again I ask, “Are you happy?” Have you thought about what makes your heart soar? It may not be one thing, God put us here with talents, dreams, ambitions. Without the peace of mind elation brings we forfeit living and merely exist. Don’t get caught up in the monotony of life and miss out on the personal journey that makes life worth living. There are no do overs.


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